Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day...

To be totally frank with you, I hate Valentine's day.The one thing that I don't understand though is why there has to be a certain day of the year to celebrate love. Wouldn't it mean more if the person that your with just gave you flowers or something on a Thursday? People get so caught up and serious about Valentine's day. It's like if the person that your with forgets or doesn't give you want you wanted the relationship is doomed. I got gifts and cards from my family but, to a lot of people that's not enough. Valentine's day should be about grand gestures and romance...says who? Who decided what you can and can't do on this day. Who decided that if your single you have to either jealous or wishing for a fast forward button.(I'm a single girl by the way.) It's not fair really.

So, Happy Valentine's day to everyone even if you don't understand this day at all.

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